Member#: 5349 Location: Registered: 25-02-2007 Diary Entries: 2110
15th September 2024
Wing Boarding: Llanfairfechan Wind Direction: SW Wind Stength: F6 then F5 Surf / Sea State: Swells and Chop Air Temperature: 18 Sea Temperature: 16 Weather: Drizzle Max Speed: Distance Covered:
Some nice thigh high wind swells to ride. Wind gusty but OK and eventually
changed from 4m to 5m. Footswaps worked in one direction but not other
unless concentrated more. I've still got windsurf habit of sailing with
feet offset and on heels, need to be more centre-line and upright on all
sailing and hopefully that will carry on into consistent footswaps.
Some good rides and pleasingto have outdoor fun in the drizzle.
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